Forensic accounting services by Quantum Auditing help you investigate and resolve financial discrepancies, fraud, and other irregularities. We provide detailed analysis and expert testimony to support legal proceedings and ensure financial integrity.

It involves a thorough examination of a company’s or individual’s financial records to detect corruption or other financial crimes. Forensic auditors at Quantum Auditing often work closely with legal teams and we may be called upon to testify as expert witnesses in court.

Key Aspects of Forensic Audits involve:

Objective: To uncover and document evidence of financial misconduct.

Scope: Includes examining financial statements, transactions, and internal controls.

Techniques: Utilizes auditing procedures, interviews, and data analysis.

Outcome: Produces a detailed report that can be used in legal proceedings.

Forensic audits are crucial in cases of suspected fraud, disputes related to business closures, bankruptcies, and even divorces. They require a combination of accounting expertise, investigative skills, and legal knowledge.

Connect with us if you would like more details on any specific step or aspect of the forensic audit process.
